Clinical Practice open continuously in Humboldt California, since October 1, 2016

Dr Goodnow is licensed by both the California Acupuncture Board and the NCCAOM as a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine

Education & Qualifications:

• Doctor of Chinese Energetic Medicine (Medical QiGong) - DCEM- Under the direct training of Sifu Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson

• Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (Acupuncture and Classical Chinese Herbalism)- DAOM -from Five Branches University- All in-person training, highest degree of Chinese medicine

• Masters Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine- MSTCM- from Yo San University, CA -4 year full-time, in-person training

• 3 year intensive Priest training and Ordination- Daoist and Christian Mysticism

• Associate of Applied Science in Holistic Health- HHP- Asian Massage and healing systems

• 1.5 years Cognitive Science / Neuroscience study at UCSD

• 15 years+ training in Internal Martial Arts and Daoist Internal Alchemy under highly skilled and experienced teachers within California and internationally- internal martial arts of Ba Gua, Tai Chi, Xing i & XinYi, and Qigong under the guidance of Grandmaster Zhou Ting Jue, Sifu and professor Jerry Alan Johnson, and Sifu Harinder Singh